Super Smooth Tart & Tangy Margaritas


In my family, the summer weekends are full of long beach days, and post-beach day, we make margaritas.  As people are getting showers, kids are getting fed, and the grill is getting fired up, the grown-ups sip on these and really enjoy that summer evening-time.  In years past, we’ve been reaching for a pre-made mix, but let me tell you – this is SO MUCH better!!  And pretty much just as easy {any work put in is WELL worth the effort!}.  I can’t wait to get together a batch {or two!} this Memorial Day.  One last thing – these babies are strong, so they go a long way…perfect for about 4 adults to have 1-2 8oz-ish glasses each {you don’t need much more!}.  One more thing – the last time I made these, I was in Arizona, and had a bunch of ‘fresh from tree’ lemons that I had to use for something.  I probably used about one cup lemon juice and one cup lime juice, and it was fantastic!!  The lemon blended with the limes and simple syrup perfectly – it was really the perfect blend of tangy and sweet!!  

1 750ml bottle of silver tequila

1.5 cups of triple sec

2 cups of lime juice (about 20 or so limes…but switch out a few limes for some lemons if you like tart margaritas!)

Kosher salt for rimming the glass

1 cup of simple syrup*

*To make simple syrup, in a saucepan, heat one part water, one part sugar over low heat (don’t boil) until the sugar is dissolved.

Throw these together in a pitcher, chill, and you’re ready to go.  Perfect to be made pre-beach and placed (covered) in the fridge, then you’re all set for when you come back!

Krista Brackin Photography