Category: Start Fresh

Intentions for This Strange New Year

Some words of reflection on my intentions for this strange new year – January 2021. Krista Brackin Photography A fresh new year is always a great feeling, even if this year is very different than any other January.  Before the…

Restorative Downtime

I’m a huge believer in the magic of getting lost in your work.  When you do work that you find to be meaningful, and you love what you do, getting wrapped up in that flow of deep, fulfilling work is…

Organization and Productivity

  In theory, and from the outside, I suppose I’m pretty organized.  But definitely not all the time. It’s easy to get caught up in it all in the midst of the day to day craziness, and things can go…

Meal Prep

The workday can be crazy, and I think we’re always looking for ways to streamline everything.  I can honestly say that the one thing that has made the biggest difference in making my day-to-day so much easier has been meal…

Sleep Rehab

Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year olds.  ~Jo Jensen You guys.  I am the absolute WORST when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep.   I fall asleep to the TV. I’m usually mindlessly scrolling through social…

Dream Big.

Sundays, especially cold ones, are for sweatpants, and candles, cozy blankets and naps.  They’re also for planning, meal prep, organizing. And a little bit of dreaming. When I opened my wedding planning business – and my tiny office in a…