Cuticle Cream & Oil

As evidenced by the – not one, not two but – THREE Nor’easter snow + wind + frigid weather storms that we’ve had in as many weeks, it’s clear that the winter weather has no intention of leaving us just yet.  The wind was literally FRIGID the other day, and we’re currently blanketed in snow – March is coming ‘in like a lion,’ for sure. And if you’re anything like me, this cold, dry weather does a number on you skin – especially the hands. I’m really bad about taking a few minutes to put on hand cream, and on a bad stretch {and they’ve been all too frequent} my hands will even catch on my flannel sheets as I get into bed {cringe-worthy}, and I wouldn’t dare to try putting stockings on {though, truth be told – I avoid wearing stockings for a variety of reasons; but the fear of getting a run from my scaly hands even before I even get the things on is one of them…}  

My cuticles are even worse.  I don’t get manicures too often {because I’d usually rather do my own nails at home in my bed whilst watching the Real Housewives} and even then, word on the street is you’re generally supposed to take it easy with the cuticle trimming.   

For these reasons, PLUS a love for natural beauty products {the closer to something you’d put ‘in’ your body is to something you’re putting ‘on’ your body, the better} I decided to dip my toe into the DIY realm and make some cuticle oil and cuticle cream.  Now, I may be creative, but I’m certainly not super-crafty – my projects usually end up looking like a four year old did them – but since these this particular project comes closer to cooking {which I am pretty decent at} rather than crafting, I was eager to give it a try!!  

I’ll emphasize that these projects are super easy, super cheap, and super gentle {not to mention really ‘natural’ in the true, not market-y fake sense of the word} – so they’re definitely worth a try!  

Cuticle Cream

One of the reasons I avoid using hand cream, cuticle cream, or cuticle oil is that it seems like you spend a period of time walking around feeling like you dipped your hands in Crisco, and you leave greasy fingerprints everywhere.  These two DIYs aren’t too bad with that regard {which is why my little containers are just about gone!} but the cuticle cream is the more ‘substantial’ of the two, so I use it at night, after I wash with a scrub {stay tuned for this DIY!} and then use Weleda Skin Food {super moisturizing} as a hand cream.  


3 tablespoons coconut oil

2 tablespoons beeswax pastilles

1-1.5 tablespoons honey

10 drops of essential oil {I used lemon, so it was a yummy honey-lemon-coconut scent}

Mix the ingredients on medium-low heat in a double boiler until everything melts.  Mix WELL. If you don’t have a double boiler, no problem…either do I!  I used a Pyrex mixing bowl over a saucepan of water.  {If you’re using this method, you’ll need a saucepan + mixing bowl combo that the bowl fits in the saucepan in a way that will allow you to have an inch or two of water that doesn’t hit the bowl.  Bring the water to a boil, then lower it to a simmer and put the mixing bowl on the top of the saucepan, and add the ingredients.} After everything is mixed, transfer the melted mix to a Pyrex measuring cup {for easy pouring} and then transfer to the containers you’re using {these are the cute little ones I used}.  

*Tip for the beeswax:  It’s a huge pain to work with beeswax because it can be really difficult to clean up, but I found that with really hot water and a little elbow grease, the beeswax came off relatively quickly.  

I am in love with this cuticle oil, but I am MOSTLY in love with the cute blue containers!!  Other than being adorable, the tiny rollerball vials are perfect for keeping on my desk and in my purse, and I *actually* use them all day.  I’ve noticed a huge difference in the condition of my cuticles {my cousin-slash-assistant said that I surely have the healthiest cuticles in Delaware}, and – because the rollerball distributes the perfect amount of oil without being too much, I’ve reapplied throughout the day without leaving greasy fingerprints all over everything.  


1 tablespoon sweet almond or jojoba oil

1 tablespoon vitamin E oil

15-20 drops essential oil {I used lemon oil}

Mix well, and then use a dropper or pipette to put into a container of your choice.  I love those little rollerball containers, but a dropper bottle like this one works well too.  Be sure to use a dark or amber colored glass to help preserve and keep the oil fresh.

*Also – I made a batch with eucalyptus and lavender oil and have been using it as an essential oil roll-on for my pulse-points…great for a mid-day pickup!

I’m almost through with both the cuticle oil and the cream, so I’ll have to get on the next batch pretty soon!  Definitely a favorite, and definitely let me know if you make any of these for yourself!!

Krista Brackin Photography