Three Ingredient Face Oil

With the up and down temperatures, I always find that the change of seasons is rough on my skin.  

Face oils are getting a lot of press these days, for good reason.  The previously widespread belief that you’re supposed to strip your face of all oils {which isn’t true at all} is dropping off, and people are really embracing oils as part of their daily routines {this is good}.  Facial oils are really moisturizing, but don’t generally clog your pores, and in addition to being super moisturizing, they can – in the long run – make your face less oily, if that’s an issue for you.  Another huge plus is that generally all you need is a few drops either added to or on top of your night moisturizer as a final step to be effective.  

This DIY version is light, gentle, and effective, not to mention inexpensive {maybe the best part of making this stuff at home!  See my fav DIY cuticle oil and cream recipe HERE}.  Even though they are luxurious products, I hate paying upwards of $50 for a face oil {which seems to be the average on Sephora – you could pay WAY more}, especially since I don’t generally use that much and I’ve found it’s better to use oils quickly {they can start to smell weird after a few months}.  With this oil, it’s not a big deal if you need to make a new batch.


The recipe couldn’t be easier – I hesitate to even call it a ‘recipe’!   

4 Tablespoons Sweet Almond Oil or Jojoba Oil

½ to 1 Tablespoon Vitamin E Oil

7-15 Drops Essential Oil {Optional; I like Lavender, but Geranium, Myrrh, or Frankincense work well, too}

In a glass bowl, mix the ingredients well, and then use a dropper to put it into small bottles.  I LOVE these amber bottles!

Go Phils!

ImagesKrista Brackin Photography